Friday, February 28, 2020

Job versus Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Job versus Business - Essay Example Risk in establishing a business is just as great as are the opportunities associated with it. It is quite normal for a business to bring results contrary to the expectations of the owner. Success of a business fundamentally depends upon an individual’s luck. Nevertheless, if risks have been adequately assessed and catered for in the start and the business owner is able to make informed decisions as per the need of the hour, business provides an individual with much more benefits than job. A businessman does not wake up in the morning because he/she will be fined if he/she gets late or does not reach the office in time. Instead, the businessman feels a sense of responsibility to wake up and reach the office in time so that activities go as per the schedule. There is a great difference between the two conditions. In the former, there is fear of accountability whereas in the latter, there is sense of responsibility. Ownership of a business enables an individual to live the life o f a king whereas in a job, an individual’s condition is hardly different from a servant in practical terms. While running a business, one establishes one’s own rules for the others to follow, whereas in the job, one has to follow the rules established by the employer whether or not one finds them right. In the capacity of the owner of a business, one takes decisions that affect others while in the job, others’ decisions affect one. Lack of decision making power in the job does not provide an individual with sufficient room for intellectual growth in the profession. â€Å"You want to leave your mark on the world and change something. Running your own business enables you to do this to a greater extent than you could as an employee† (Robert Ashton, 2010). In addition to that, one can also decide to get rid of bad employees in the business but not in the job. A lot of women employees have to continue working for salary with the colleagues who harass them sex ually (Chaudhuri, 2006). They are not in the position to expel such colleagues from job because they are not business owners. The biggest advantage that business offers in comparison to the job is that it provides an individual with the opportunity to gain maximum benefit of his/her efforts. One may have to exert many times more in the job as compared to the exertion in a business, and yet, the reward in the job is many times less than what one gets in a business. In an attempt to impress the employer so that he would make slight addition to the current salary of the worker, the worker tends to work beyond the official duty hours and yet, there is little realization on the part of the employer in a vast majority of cases. Even if the employer does realize, there is little guarantee that he will appreciate the worker in terms of increment in the salary. After a whole year of extra work, the worker may have a 2 to 5 per cent increment in the salary upon the review of performance. On t he other hand, all profit made from the business becomes the property of the businessman. After one project, when the salaries of all staff have been paid, the business owner is left with an amount that he/she can not assemble after several projects as an employee. In addition to that, there is no retiring in business unlike job. â€Å"Let's say you join a company, degree in hand, at entry level. You move up the ladder for fifteen, twenty, even twenty-five years. Now you're a

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Truth in painting - The kinds of meaning Assignment

Truth in painting - The kinds of meaning - Assignment Example The purpose of the paper "Truth in painting - The kinds of meaning" is to determine the kinds of meaning made possible by perspective in paintings. The perspectival systems which developed during the following period of Renaissance brought about a contrasting portrayal of space along with the â€Å"illusionistic presentation of objects†. The modern concept of perspective is considered to be a formal and defined branch of mathematics, emerging from Cartesian and Euclidean geometry. It is stated to be â€Å"meaningless† since this perspective refers to equations, and geometric functions such as lines, angles and points. The second perspective has great meaning, encompassing subjectivity, eternity and other concepts, as evidenced in various academic domains. This perspective which Elkins terms as â€Å"metaphorical perspective† is not in a complicated graphic or related to equations. It is the common type of perspective with which people view the world, and understa nd themselves as viewing subjects. The most common manifestation is the linear perspective. In this type, â€Å"all parallel lines or surface edges converge on one, two or three vanishing points located with reference to the eye-level of the viewer†. Linear perspective clearly defines a physical point of view, showing the â€Å"location, vantage and orientation of the viewer†. Linear perspective is one of the significant innovations of European art, with a great impact on the visual arts in the west from the 15th to the 19th centuries. Perspective provides perception.