Saturday, December 21, 2019

Gay Marriage Is The Black Lives Matter Essay - 2087 Words

In recent years, there has been a variety of events that have occurred which caused people to realize the inequality that still happens in modern day society. Between gay marriage becoming legal in 2015 and the recent presidential election, there have been many situations that have caused a form of division between the people of the United States. A major group that has shed some light on the inequality that occurs in modern day society is the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. The BLM website states that this they label themselves as a group of 50+ organizations that have come together with a renewed purpose to spread a common vision and agenda. Although many people view them as a great step toward furthering equality amongst all people, there is a select group of people who disagree. The Black Lives matter website also states that their â€Å"common vision† is to continue to move towards a world in which the full humanity and dignity of all people is recognized. While doi ng this, BLM also intends to include other groups of people who experience oppression. Such as the LBGTQ community, women, Muslims, people who were previously or currently undocumented and much more. One of the major arguments of the Black Lives Matter movement is to end the war on black people. There have been many situations in the last two years that have been brought to light through both social media and news broadcasting as well. The events that are causing a wide controversy between setShow MoreRelatedGay Marriage Should Be Legal1437 Words   |  6 PagesHomosexuals are disrespected and treated unfairly, such as a look from a person who isn’t gay or called names such as â€Å"faggot,† simply because their sexual orientation, why? If homosexuals pay their taxes, help build roads and pay public schools just like heterosexual couples then gay couple should have the same rights as opposite sex couples do. In the case of Baker v. 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